Terms and Conditions of Service for Google Ads & Facebook & Instagram Ads
By transacting on our system, you agree and acknowledge that you have read the Buyer Agreement, understood its content, and acknowledged its terms.
Article 1 The Parties
This https://www.destexdigital.com Buyer Agreement, Sailing Support Assistance services and Advertising. It has entered into force mutually between the customer (Buyer) benefiting from the ‘Site’ services at the moment when the ‘Buyer’ makes a transaction on the www.destexdigital.com site or pays the ‘Seller’ to make a transaction. When the ‘Buyer’ performs a transaction on the https://www.destexdigital.com site, he acknowledges and declares that he has read the whole of this agreement, understood its contents in its entirety and accepted and approved all of its provisions.
Article 2 Definitions
www. The ‘customer’ who buys the goods and / or services offered for sale by the ‘Seller’ on destexdigital.com by giving credit card information, transferring or promoting, under the conditions specified in this agreement. Seller:
At https://www.destexdigital.com, the ‘organization’ that offers the goods and / or services for which it is legally owned and that it has the right and authority to dispose of, for the ‘Buyers’. Site:
Sailing Support Assistance Services And Advertising Ltd.şti. The website consisting of the domain name https://www.destexdigital.com and subdomains linked to this domain, where electronic commerce is carried out and goods and / or services are bought, sold and reported.
Site Services (Shortly ‘Service’):
These are the values made available by the ‘Seller’ in the ‘Site’ and purchased by the ‘Buyer’. The ‘Seller’ may make changes and / or adaptations in the ‘services’ set forth in the ‘Site’ at any time. ‘
Article 3 Subject and Scope of the Agreement
The subject of this contract is the determination of the services offered through the Site (Google AdWords), the terms of using these services and the rights and obligations of the parties. Requested Product Specifications (Keywords, Ad Time, Countries, Provinces and Requested Budget) will be determined according to the request specified in the Request Form at https://www.destexdigital.com and Based on This Information Filled Out by the Buyer.
Article 4 Force Majeure
The “Seller”, legally deemed as force majeure, is not liable for any late or incomplete performance or non-performance of any of his actions with this contract. This and similar works, for the “Seller”, for delay, incomplete performance or non-performance or default, no compensation under any name from the “Seller” shall be claimed. ‘Force majeure, natural disaster, riot, war, strike, communication systems, infrastructure and internet malfunctions, outages and bad weather conditions, including and not including Google Account Reviews, the control of the relevant party is beyond reasonable and the’ electricity seller ‘must show due diligence. but will be interpreted as not being able to prevent.
Article 5 Rights and Obligations
5.1. Rights and Obligations of the ‘Buyer’
a) The ‘Buyer’ shall act in accordance with all the conditions in this contract, the rules specified in the relevant parts of the ‘Site’ and all applicable legislation while using the services of the ‘Site’ and performing any transaction related to the services on the ‘Site. It accepts that it understands and approves all terms and rules stated in this contract.
b) The ‘Buyer’ shall be authorized to disclose the confidential / private / commercial information of the ‘Buyers’ to the official authorities in cases where the ‘Seller’ is obliged to make a statement to the official authorities in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force. and for this reason, it accepts that no compensation can be claimed from the “Seller” under any name.
c) ‘Buyers’ accept and undertake that the information provided by them on the ‘Site’ is correct and lawful. Investigating the accuracy of the information transmitted to it by the ‘Seller’, ‘Buyers’ or entered by them on the ‘Site’; It is not liable or liable for undertaking and guaranteeing that this information and content are safe, accurate and lawful, and cannot be held responsible for any damages that may arise due to incorrect or incorrect information.
d) Buyers cannot transfer this contract or its rights and obligations under this contract, in whole or in part, to any third party without the written consent of the ‘Seller’.
e) ‘Buyers’ must first purchase ‘Credit’ in transactions related to the purchase of products and / or services offered on the site. The ‘Buyer’ can also perform the ‘Credit Purchase Transaction by credit card and money order by using the Mail Order Form. In the ‘Credit’ purchases made by wire transfer, the ‘Buyer’ accepts and declares that he is obliged to inform the ‘Seller’ that he has made the payment. The Seller reserves the right to material and moral compensation that may arise, as the business partnership in the services and advertising area may be damaged. The Buyer Has Confirmed, Undertaking and Declaring That He Will Not Objection To The Payments Made By Filling In The Mail Order Form With His Signature With His Own Handwriting For Any Reason.
f) The ‘Buyer’ accepts and undertakes to purchase the products and / or services exhibited for sale by the ‘Seller’ on the ‘Site’ after using ‘(Google Adwords).
g) Under any circumstances, no refund can be requested, but the advertisement broadcast corresponding to the price paid for the requested service is provided by the seller.
h) When the ‘Buyer’ purchases any exhibited product and / or service using its ‘Credit’, it is deemed to have read and accepted the statements made on the ‘Site’ regarding the product and / or service. The ‘buyer’ cannot opt out of the purchase. The ‘Seller’ has the right and authority to cancel the sale at any time and stage.
j) The purchase and sale transaction between the ‘Buyer’ and the ‘Seller’, the presentation of the goods and / or services to the ‘Buyer’ through the ‘Panel’ by the ‘Buyer’ and the ‘Panel’ that the service is provided It is the notification of the ‘Buyer’ or the physical delivery of the product to the address specified by the ‘Buyer’ by the ‘Seller’ and the deduction of the cost of the goods and / or services from the ‘Credit’.